Course curriculum

    1. How to Access Your Resources

    1. Table of Contents and Reference List

    1. Introduction to Tackling the Operational Complexities of IFRS 17

    2. Tackling the Operational Complexities of IFRS 17

    3. Actuartech: IFRS 17 Hands-on Workshop Slides

    4. Further delay to IFRS 17 and what this means for insurers - Webinar

    5. IFRS 17 Technology Solutions: Build or Buy?

    6. IFRS 17 Webinar - How Digital Transformation Impacts the Role of Finance and Actuarial

    7. ASSA Convention (22.10) Live Recording

    8. How we are helping clients prepare for the challenges of IFRS 17

    1. Deloitte IFRS 17 Update Webinar

    2. 3Blocks IFRS 17 presentations

    3. Millennium Consulting IFRS 17 Online Discussion Recording with Aviva

    4. Oracle - Bridging the accounting gap under IFRS 17

    5. Manulife - The impact of IFRS 17

    1. IFRS 17 SCOR CAMPUS 2018 Highlights on IFRS 17

    2. IFoA: Get Ready for IFRS 17

    3. Grant Thorton: An Introduction to IFRS 17

    4. Triple A: An Overview of IFRS 17

    5. IFRS 17: A reflection on 2021 and nine burning considerations for 2022

    6. Aviva: IFRS 17 Market Update

    7. FRC Thematic Review: IFRS 17 ‘Insurance Contracts’ Interim Disclosures in the First Year of Application

    1. Milliman - IFRS 17 Risk Adjustment Guidance

About this course

  • Free
  • 58 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content