Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    1. Reference List

    2. Summary of AI Risk Management Resources

    1. Section Overview

    1. 1.1.1 The Fairness of Machine Learning in Insurance: New Rags for an Old Man?

    2. 1.1.2 Semi-supervised learning in insurance : fairness and active learning

    3. 1.1.3 Anti-Discrimination Insurance Pricing: Regulations, Fairness Criteria, and Models

    4. 1.1.4 Discrimination-Free Insurance Pricing

    5. 1.1.5 Designing Fairly Fair Classifiers Via Economic Fairness Notions

    6. 1.1.6 Paradoxes in Fair Machine Learning

    7. 1.1.7 A Multi-Task Network Approach for Calculating Discrimination-Free Insurance Prices

    8. 1.1.8 Insurers and regulators must stamp out discrimination in insurance pricing to ensure fairness for consumers

    9. 1.1.9 Limits and concepts of the indirect discrimination

    10. 1.1.10 IFoA: The hidden risks of being poor

    11. 1.1.11 Fairness and Calibration in predictive models

    12. 1.1.12 AI and Ethics in Insurance: A New Solution to Mitigate Proxy Discrimination in Risk Modelling (EAA e-Conference 2023)

    13. 1.1.13 What is Fair? Proxy Discrimination vs. Demographic Disparities in Insurance Pricing

    14. 1.1.14 Reducing bias in AI-based financial services

    15. 1.1.15 How insurers can mitigate the discrimination risks posed by AI

    16. 1.1.16 Fairlearn: Open source community driven project to help data scientist with the fariness of AI sysytems

    17. 1.1.17 Model Fairness Assessment: The Fairness dashboard

    18. 1.1.18 Bias in AI: What it is, Types, Examples & 6 Ways to Fix it in 2022

    19. 1.1.19 Equality of Opportunity in Supervised Learning

    20. 1.1.20 Proxy Discrimination in the Age of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data

    21. 1.1.21 The Discriminating (Pricing) Actuary

    1. 1.2.1 A Guide for Ethical Data Science

    2. 1.2.2 Ethical Use of Artificial Intelligence for Actuaries - SOA

    3. 1.2.3 IFoA APS X1: Applying Standards to Actuarial Work

    4. 1.2.4 Exploring Ethics & AI within Financial Services Webinar

    5. 1.2.5 Royal Statistical Society Paper - Additional information and resources: ethical data science

    6. 1.2.6 AI Ethics - DataRobot

    7. 1.2.7 Principles of AI Ethics (SAS GI Seminar 2019)

    8. 1.2.8 IEEE - Ethics in Action in Autonomous and Intelligent Systems

    9. 1.2.9 IEEE - Ethically Aligned Design

    10. 1.2.10 AI and ethics in insurance: a new solution to mitigate proxy discrimination in risk modeling

    11. 1.2.11 Data & Ethics: How to establish a sustainable, data-driven business model in life insurance

    12. 1.2.12 Responsible Use of Data in the Digital Age: Customer expectations and insurer responses

    13. 1.2.13 ProActuary: Culture, Professionalism and Digital Actuary

    14. 1.2.14 AI risk and ethics forum series: Trustworthy AI

    15. 1.2.15 IFoA APS X2: Review of Actuarial Work

    16. 1.2.16 NZ Police - Safe and ethical use of algorithms

    17. 1.2.17 AI Ethics and Insurance (SOA)

    1. 1.3.1 Mind the Gap - Safely Incorporating Deep Learning Models into the Actuarial Toolkit by Ronald Richman

    2. 1.3.2 Big data and data profiling in the insurance industry - RPC

    3. 1.3.3 Believing the bot – model risk in the era of deep learning

    4. 1.3.4 Machine Learning: A Practical Guide To Managing Risk

About this course

  • Free
  • 184 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content